The tenth biennial world cup of binding of Art at Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse has had an excellent Spanish participation. 33 books, these are my accounts, of a whole of 353, almost 10 % of the presented bindings. But also they have gathered two awards, which speak by themselves of the quality of our representation.
The first award inter-schools, was granted to six bindings of the school of Beatriz Moreno.

And the second award of the General Council of Yvelines, granted toFrancisca Consuegra Ortega.

Perhaps the authors of these bookbindings might like to see how they were exhibited, in the center of the room, in upholstered tables, along with the rest of prize-winning bookbindings, which are shown in:
The rest of the Spanish participation was exhibited in two shelves that I show next, an exhibition of good taste and exceptional technical details.

Checking the catalog and comparing it with the pictures that I took I saw that five bookbindings were missed, they undoubtedly were exhibited very close, but my chronic absent-mindedness prevented me from photographing them. With the help of photoshop I completed the collection of the Spanish participation, and added entire a bookbinding that only by half I took with my camera.

We must understand this competition as a bookbinding’s feast, as says Mrs. Périssaguet, head of the biennial, in the catalog, nothing we know of the technical capacities or merely economic ones of every participant, of his possibilities. That's why each one of these bookbindings is a pleasure for the person who realized it, for having taken part; and a pleasure for the person who contemplates it, that verifies every day the absence of limits in bookbinding.
My congratulations to all the participants, and my best desires for this feast to be reproduced each time with better success.
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