Monday, 15 February 2010



A sudden fever to learn marbling is covering the north half of Spain, in parallel to the cold temporal of these days.

This Sunday, February, 21, in CIZALLA, a Bookbinding School, in Madrid -91 401 22 04 - I'll teach the first one of a series of collective courses which list appears in the links on the left.

The last one that I have just agreed to, is this:


In the left links list I also have
added a new one to the courses of other paper decorators.

For now I have only news about the course that Susanne Krause will teach in
the Centro del Bel Libro, in Ascona.

But as I will get news of any other courses I will add them to the list.


I do not know if I have already mentioned this once but,

did you know that I love decorated papers?


I cannot remedy it.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

A marbling course... a pleasure.


One of the things I like more of marbling is to teach it.
I am sure it can arrive to be recognized as a fine art technique.
But to get that it is necessary to spread it and that the people know it.

Last Saturday I gave particular classes to a pupil who came from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.

Manuela brought a camera,
she did a few photos,
she asked me to
take others,
and today she
has sent them to me.


A few drops floating in the surface of the bath...

... being transformed into a classic design...


Another more modern design.


Manuela passing the double comb...

... and the result that she achieved.


I taught her what I know...

... she learned quickly...

... and both enjoyed a happy time.